The New Year is just around the corner and with it, all those resolutions you have been filing away this month. According to Nielsen, some of the most popular New Year’s resolutions include eating healthier, spending less and getting more organized. Sadly, our professional painters cannot help you with your lofty juice cleanse or your budget spreadsheet. We can, however, help you get more organized using these six chalkboard paint ideas which are sure to bring order to your Philadelphia, PA home.

Chalkboard paint is a home decorating trend that is not going anywhere soon as it adds not only style but structure to the surfaces of your home. It pairs well with nearly any paint color and, although it sometimes seems like a risk, it is one that you will not soon regret.
Check out these six clever ways to use chalkboard interior paint in your space
- The Inside Of Your Cupboards– Need a place for your grocery or to-do lists? Use chalkboard paint on the inside of your kitchen cupboard or pantry doors and amp up your organization.
- A Wall Of Your Dining Room– Display your menu plan, recipes or favorite quotes in your dining room or eat-in kitchen using chalkboard wall paint. Not only will it increase communication with your family but it will give your guests a taste of your style and charm.
- Your Closet Doors– Looking for a spot to leave a chore-list or an inspirational message to your family? Try painting their closet doors with a chalkboard paint color and create a fun way to exchange messages.
- Drawer fronts- Want to label drawer contents in a new and whimsical way? Try painting the front of your dresser drawers with chalkboard interior paint so no one wonders where their socks are anymore.
- Calendar Command Center– You have a busy schedule, we all do, andsometimes it is easy for things to fall through the cracks. Using painters tape and chalkboard wall paint, create a washable calendar on your wall so you never miss a dance practice or PTA meeting again.
- A Playroom Wall- Instead of begging your children not to write on the walls, give them a space to do so by adding a chalkboard wall in their bedroom or playroom. As they say, if you can’t beat them, join them.
We can help you with a fresher, more organized 2016 by using not only chalkboard paint but a fresh wall paint color for any room of your Mt. Laurel, NJ home. Give us a call to schedule an estimate and let our team of professional painters help you create a fresh canvas for a happy new year.