Cherry Hill Painting

Wallpaper Removal

Wallpaper removal is a hard, dirty job.

While wallpaper can be very attractive, it usually has a life span consistent with design trends. Once it has reached that point it has to come off for future finishes. 

There is no easy way to remove wallpaper and while many homeowners try to accomplish this on their own, they find that they grossly underestimate how much time is required just to prepare the room.  

Your floors, painted surfaces, windows, and trim all need to be protected first – which can easily overwhelm you before the process even starts.

Which messy method do you want to try?

There are many ways to remove wall coverings such as chemicals, steamers, scraping, heat, and water just to mention a few. Painstaking and frustrating at best for the amateur. 

Then once you get started you‘ll often uncover additional layers of different papers added through the years,  usually applied on substrates not properly given release coatings to help in the removal. 

This usually leads up to “let’s just get the darn paper off the wall or ceilings any way we can” –  usually creating additional damage which needs to be repaired before any other finish, either paint or paper,  can be applied.

Luckily, you don’t have to go at it alone!

Cherry Hill Painting has the years of experience and know how to deal with the removal of your stubborn wallcoverings.

We use the appropriate techniques and processes to remove it without causing additional work, followed by expert preparation of your walls and ceilings for future finishes.

Leave it to the professionals!

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